root 1eaf295724
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
new way of doin
2023-11-16 19:42:02 +10:00

153 lines
7.2 KiB

{{- define "tc.v1.common.lib.webhook.validation" -}}
{{- $objectData := .objectData -}}
{{- $rootCtx := .rootCtx -}}
{{- if not $objectData.type -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <type> in <webhook.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $type := tpl $objectData.type $rootCtx -}}
{{- $types := (list "validating" "mutating") -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $type $types) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <type> in <webhook.%v> to be one of [%s], but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName (join ", " $types) $type) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $objectData.webhooks -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <webhooks> in <webhook.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (kindIs "slice" $objectData.webhooks) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <webhooks> in <webhook.%v> to be a list, but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName (kindOf $objectData.webhooks)) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $webhook := $objectData.webhooks -}}
{{- if not $webhook.name -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <name> in <webhook.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $webhookName := tpl $webhook.name $rootCtx -}}
{{- if not $webhook.admissionReviewVersions -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <admissionReviewVersions> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $adm := $webhook.admissionReviewVersions -}}
{{- if not (kindIs "string" $adm) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <admissionReviewVersions> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be a string" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $webhook.clientConfig -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <clientConfig> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $webhook.clientConfig -}}
{{- if and .url .service -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected either <url> or <service> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be defined, but got both" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $service := .service -}}
{{- if $service -}}
{{- if not $service.name -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <service.name> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $service.namespace -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <service.namespace> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $webhook.rules -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <rules> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (kindIs "slice" $webhook.rules) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <rules> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be a list, but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (kindOf $webhook.rules)) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $rule := $webhook.rules -}}
{{- if not $rule.apiGroups -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <apiGroups> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $rule.apiVersions -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <apiVersions> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $rule.operations -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <operations> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not $rule.resources -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <resources> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $scopes := (list "Cluster" "Namespaced" "*") -}}
{{- with $rule.scope -}}
{{- $scope := tpl . $rootCtx -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $scope $scopes) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <scope> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be one of [%s], but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (join ", " $scopes) $scope) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $webhook.failurePolicy -}}
{{- $policy := tpl . $rootCtx -}}
{{- $failPolicies := (list "Ignore" "Fail") -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $policy $failPolicies) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <failurePolicy> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be one of [%s], but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (join ", " $failPolicies) $policy) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $webhook.matchPolicy -}}
{{- $policy := tpl . $rootCtx -}}
{{- $matchPolicies := (list "Exact" "Equivalent") -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $policy $matchPolicies) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <matchPolicy> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be one of [%s], but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (join ", " $matchPolicies) $policy) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (eq $type "validating") $webhook.reinvocationPolicy -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected [mutating] type in <webhook.%v.%v> when <reinvocationPolicy> is defined" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (eq $type "mutating") $webhook.reinvocationPolicy -}}
{{- $policy := tpl $webhook.reinvocationPolicy $rootCtx -}}
{{- $reinvPolicies := (list "Never" "IfNeeded") -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $policy $reinvPolicies) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <reinvocationPolicy> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be one of [%s], but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (join ", " $reinvPolicies) $policy) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $webhook.sideEffects -}}
{{- $effect := tpl . $rootCtx -}}
{{- $sideEffects := (list "None" "NoneOnDryRun") -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $effect $sideEffects) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <sideEffects> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be one of [%s], but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (join ", " $sideEffects) $effect) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (hasKey $webhook "timeoutSeconds") -}}
{{- if (kindIs "invalid" $webhook.timeoutSeconds) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected the defined key <timeoutSeconds> in <webhook.%v.%v> to not be empty" $objectData.shortName $webhookName) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (mustHas (kindOf $webhook.timeoutSeconds) (list "int" "int64" "float64")) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <timeoutSeconds> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be an integer, but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName (kindOf $webhook.timeoutSeconds)) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (lt (int $webhook.timeoutSeconds) 1) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <timeoutSeconds> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be greater than 0, but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName $webhook.timeoutSeconds) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (gt (int $webhook.timeoutSeconds) 30) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Webhook - Expected <timeoutSeconds> in <webhook.%v.%v> to be less than 30, but got [%v]" $objectData.shortName $webhookName $webhook.timeoutSeconds) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}