root 1eaf295724
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
new way of doin
2023-11-16 19:42:02 +10:00

76 lines
3.9 KiB

{{/* Returns Fixed Env */}}
{{/* Call this template:
{{ include "tc.v1.common.lib.container.fixedEnv" (dict "rootCtx" $ "objectData" $objectData) }}
rootCtx: The root context of the chart.
objectData: The object data to be used to render the container.
{{- define "tc.v1.common.lib.container.fixedEnv" -}}
{{- $rootCtx := .rootCtx -}}
{{- $objectData := .objectData -}}
{{/* Avoid nil pointers */}}
{{- if not (hasKey $objectData "fixedEnv") -}}
{{- $_ := set $objectData "fixedEnv" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $nvidiaCaps := $rootCtx.Values.containerOptions.NVIDIA_CAPS -}}
{{- if $objectData.fixedEnv.NVIDIA_CAPS -}}
{{- $nvidiaCaps = $objectData.fixedEnv.NVIDIA_CAPS -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (deepEqual $nvidiaCaps (mustUniq $nvidiaCaps)) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Container - Expected <fixedEnv.NVIDIA_CAPS> to have only unique values, but got [%s]" (join ", " $nvidiaCaps)) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $caps := (list "all" "compute" "utility" "graphics" "video") -}}
{{- range $cap := $nvidiaCaps -}}
{{- if not (mustHas $cap $caps) -}}
{{- fail (printf "Container - Expected <fixedEnv.NVIDIA_CAPS> entry to be one of [%s], but got [%s]" (join ", " $caps) $cap) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $secContext := fromJson (include "tc.v1.common.lib.container.securityContext.calculate" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "objectData" $objectData)) -}}
{{- $fixed := list -}}
{{- $TZ := $objectData.fixedEnv.TZ | default $rootCtx.Values.TZ -}}
{{- $UMASK := $objectData.fixedEnv.UMASK | default $rootCtx.Values.securityContext.container.UMASK -}}
{{- $PUID := $objectData.fixedEnv.PUID | default $rootCtx.Values.securityContext.container.PUID -}}
{{- if and (not (kindIs "invalid" $objectData.fixedEnv.PUID)) (eq (int $objectData.fixedEnv.PUID) 0) -}}
{{- $PUID = $objectData.fixedEnv.PUID -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* calculatedFSGroup is passed from the pod */}}
{{- $PGID := $objectData.calculatedFSGroup -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "TZ" "v" $TZ) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "UMASK" "v" $UMASK) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "UMASK_SET" "v" $UMASK) -}}
{{/* TODO: Offer gpu section in resources for native helm and adjust this include, then we can remove the "if inside ixChartContext" */}}
{{- if eq (include "tc.v1.common.lib.container.resources.gpu" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "objectData" $objectData "returnBool" true)) "true" -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES" "v" (join "," $nvidiaCaps)) -}}
{{- else -}} {{/* Only when in SCALE */}}
{{- if hasKey $rootCtx.Values.global "ixChartContext" -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" "v" "void") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* If running as root and PUID is set (0 or greater), set related envs */}}
{{- if and (or (eq (int $secContext.runAsUser) 0) (eq (int $secContext.runAsGroup) 0)) (ge (int $PUID) 0) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "PUID" "v" $PUID) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "USER_ID" "v" $PUID) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "UID" "v" $PUID) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "PGID" "v" $PGID) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "GROUP_ID" "v" $PGID) -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "GID" "v" $PGID) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* If rootFS is readOnly OR does not as root, let s6 containers to know that fs is readonly */}}
{{- if or $secContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem $secContext.runAsNonRoot -}}
{{- $fixed = mustAppend $fixed (dict "k" "S6_READ_ONLY_ROOT" "v" "1") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $env := $fixed -}}
{{- include "tc.v1.common.helper.container.envDupeCheck" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "objectData" $objectData "source" "fixedEnv" "key" $env.k) }}
- name: {{ $env.k | quote }}
value: {{ (include "tc.v1.common.helper.makeIntOrNoop" $env.v) | quote }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}