stringo = """ Where Sellars believed stereoscopic integration of the two images could be achieved by wedding the mechanistic discourse of causation to the rational language of intention, Churchland proposes to supplant the latter altogether via a neurocomputational enhancement of the scientific image which would effectively allow it to annex the manifest image, thereby forcing us to revise our understanding of ourselves as autonomous rational agents or ‘persons’. However, as we shall see below, Churchland’s attempt to annex the manifest image to the scientific image is vitiated by a fundamental epistemological tension. Like Sellars, Churchland emphatically rejects the instrumentalist conception of science con- comitant with the ontological prioritization of the manifest image: he claims to be a scientific realist. But as we shall see, his realism about sci- ence is mined at every turn by his pragmatist construal of representation. """ print( stringo.replace('\n', ' ') )