Rancher Server has been installed. NOTE: Rancher may take several minutes to fully initialize. Please standby while Certificates are being issued, Containers are started and the Ingress rule comes up. Check out our docs at https://rancher.com/docs/ If you provided your own bootstrap password during installation, browse to https://{{ .Values.hostname }} to get started. If this is the first time you installed Rancher, get started by running this command and clicking the URL it generates: ``` echo https://{{ .Values.hostname }}/dashboard/?setup=$(kubectl get secret --namespace cattle-system bootstrap-secret -o go-template='{{ "{{" }}.data.bootstrapPassword|base64decode{{ "}}" }}') ``` To get just the bootstrap password on its own, run: ``` kubectl get secret --namespace cattle-system bootstrap-secret -o go-template='{{ "{{" }}.data.bootstrapPassword|base64decode{{ "}}" }}{{ "{{" }} "\n" {{ "}}" }}' ``` Happy Containering!