apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: "{{ template "harbor.registry" . }}" labels: {{ include "harbor.labels" . | indent 4 }} type: Opaque data: REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET: {{ .Values.registry.secret | default (randAlphaNum 16) | b64enc | quote }} {{- if not .Values.redis.external.existingSecret }} REGISTRY_REDIS_PASSWORD: {{ include "harbor.redis.password" . | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- $storage := .Values.persistence.imageChartStorage }} {{- $type := $storage.type }} {{- if and (eq $type "azure") (not $storage.azure.existingSecret) }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_AZURE_ACCOUNTKEY: {{ $storage.azure.accountkey | b64enc | quote }} {{- else if and (and (eq $type "gcs") (not $storage.gcs.existingSecret)) (not $storage.gcs.useWorkloadIdentity) }} GCS_KEY_DATA: {{ $storage.gcs.encodedkey | quote }} {{- else if eq $type "s3" }} {{- if and (not $storage.s3.existingSecret) ($storage.s3.accesskey) }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_ACCESSKEY: {{ $storage.s3.accesskey | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and (not $storage.s3.existingSecret) ($storage.s3.secretkey) }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_SECRETKEY: {{ $storage.s3.secretkey | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- else if eq $type "swift" }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_SWIFT_PASSWORD: {{ $storage.swift.password | b64enc | quote }} {{- if $storage.swift.secretkey }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_SWIFT_SECRETKEY: {{ $storage.swift.secretkey | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if $storage.swift.accesskey }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_SWIFT_ACCESSKEY: {{ $storage.swift.accesskey | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- else if eq $type "oss" }} REGISTRY_STORAGE_OSS_ACCESSKEYSECRET: {{ $storage.oss.accesskeysecret | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if not .Values.registry.credentials.existingSecret }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: "{{ template "harbor.registry" . }}-htpasswd" labels: {{ include "harbor.labels" . | indent 4 }} type: Opaque data: {{- if .Values.registry.credentials.htpasswdString }} REGISTRY_HTPASSWD: {{ .Values.registry.credentials.htpasswdString | b64enc | quote }} {{- else }} REGISTRY_HTPASSWD: {{ htpasswd .Values.registry.credentials.username .Values.registry.credentials.password | b64enc | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }}