# Additional Trusted CAs. # Enable this flag and add your CA certs as a secret named tls-ca-additional in the namespace. # See README.md for details. additionalTrustedCAs: false antiAffinity: preferred topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname # Audit Logs https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/api-auditing/ # The audit log is piped to the console of the rancher-audit-log container in the rancher pod. # https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/api-auditing/ # destination stream to sidecar container console or hostPath volume # level: Verbosity of logs, 0 to 3. 0 is off 3 is a lot. auditLog: destination: sidecar hostPath: /var/log/rancher/audit/ level: 0 maxAge: 1 maxBackup: 1 maxSize: 100 # Image for collecting rancher audit logs. # Important: update pkg/image/export/resolve.go when this default image is changed, so that it's reflected accordingly in rancher-images.txt generated for air-gapped setups. image: repository: "rancher/mirrored-bci-micro" tag: # Override imagePullPolicy image # options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" # As of Rancher v2.5.0 this flag is deprecated and must be set to 'true' in order for Rancher to start addLocal: "true" # Add debug flag to Rancher server debug: false # When starting Rancher for the first time, bootstrap the admin as restricted-admin restrictedAdmin: false # Extra environment variables passed to the rancher pods. # extraEnv: # - name: CATTLE_TLS_MIN_VERSION # value: "1.0" # Fully qualified name to reach your Rancher server # hostname: rancher.my.org ## Optional array of imagePullSecrets containing private registry credentials ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: secretName config: use-forwarded-headers: "true" ### ingress ### # Readme for details and instruction on adding tls secrets. ingress: # If set to false, ingress will not be created # Defaults to true # options: true, false enabled: false includeDefaultExtraAnnotations: false extraAnnotations: {} ingressClassName: "cilium" # backend port number servicePort: 80 # configurationSnippet - Add additional Nginx configuration. This example statically sets a header on the ingress. # configurationSnippet: | # more_set_input_headers "X-Forwarded-Host: {{ .Values.hostname }}"; tls: # options: rancher, letsEncrypt, secret source: rancher secretName: tls-rancher-ingress ### service ### # Override to use NodePort or LoadBalancer service type - default is ClusterIP service: type: "LoadBalancer" annotations: {} targetPorts: https: http ### LetsEncrypt config ### # ProTip: The production environment only allows you to register a name 5 times a week. # Use staging until you have your config right. letsEncrypt: # email: none@example.com environment: production ingress: # options: traefik, nginx class: "" # If you are using certs signed by a private CA set to 'true' and set the 'tls-ca' # in the 'rancher-system' namespace. See the README.md for details privateCA: false # http[s] proxy server passed into rancher server. # proxy: http://@:: # comma separated list of domains or ip addresses that will not use the proxy noProxy:,,,,.svc,.cluster.local # Override rancher image location for Air Gap installs rancherImage: rancher/rancher # rancher/rancher image tag. https://hub.docker.com/r/rancher/rancher/tags/ # Defaults to .Chart.appVersion # rancherImageTag: v2.0.7 # Override imagePullPolicy for rancher server images # options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent # Defaults to IfNotPresent # rancherImagePullPolicy: # Number of Rancher server replicas. Setting to negative number will dynamically between 0 and the abs(replicas) based on available nodes. # of available nodes in the cluster replicas: 3 # Set priorityClassName to avoid eviction priorityClassName: rancher-critical # Set pod resource requests/limits for Rancher. resources: {} # # tls # Where to offload the TLS/SSL encryption # - ingress (default) # - external tls: external systemDefaultRegistry: "" # Set to use the packaged system charts useBundledSystemChart: false # Certmanager version compatibility certmanager: version: "" # Rancher custom logos persistence customLogos: enabled: false volumeSubpaths: emberUi: "ember" vueUi: "vue" ## Volume kind to use for persistence: persistentVolumeClaim, configMap volumeKind: persistentVolumeClaim ## Use an existing volume. Custom logos should be copied to the volume by the user # volumeName: custom-logos ## Just for volumeKind: persistentVolumeClaim ## To disables dynamic provisioning, set storageClass: "" or storageClass: "-" # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 1Gi # Rancher post-delete hook postDelete: enabled: true image: repository: rancher/shell tag: v0.1.21-rc1 namespaceList: - cattle-fleet-system - cattle-system - rancher-operator-system # Number of seconds to wait for an app to be uninstalled timeout: 120 # by default, the job will fail if it fail to uninstall any of the apps ignoreTimeoutError: false # Set a bootstrap password. If leave empty, a random password will be generated. bootstrapPassword: "admin2ch" hostname: "rancher.guaranteedstruggle.host" livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 60 periodSeconds: 30 readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 global: cattle: psp: # will default to true on 1.24 and below, and false for 1.25 and above # can be changed manually to true or false to bypass version checks and force that option enabled: "" # helm values to use when installing the rancher-webhook chart. # helm values set here will override all other global values used when installing the webhook such as priorityClassName and systemRegistry settings. webhook: ""