{{/* EndpointSlice Class */}} {{/* Call this template: {{ include "tc.v1.common.class.endpointSlice" (dict "rootCtx" $ "objectData" $objectData) }} rootCtx: The root context of the chart. objectData: The service data, that will be used to render the Service object. */}} {{- define "tc.v1.common.class.endpointSlice" -}} {{- $rootCtx := .rootCtx -}} {{- $objectData := .objectData -}} {{- $addressType := $objectData.addressType | default "IPv4" -}} {{- if $objectData.addressType -}} {{- $addressType = tpl $addressType $rootCtx -}} {{- end }} --- apiVersion: discovery.k8s.io/v1 kind: EndpointSlice metadata: name: {{ $objectData.name }} namespace: {{ include "tc.v1.common.lib.metadata.namespace" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "objectData" $objectData "caller" "Endpoint Slice") }} {{- $labels := (mustMerge ($objectData.labels | default dict) (include "tc.v1.common.lib.metadata.allLabels" $rootCtx | fromYaml)) -}} {{- $_ := set $labels "kubernetes.io/service-name" $objectData.name -}} {{- with (include "tc.v1.common.lib.metadata.render" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "labels" $labels) | trim) }} labels: {{- . | nindent 4 }} {{- end -}} {{- $annotations := (mustMerge ($objectData.annotations | default dict) (include "tc.v1.common.lib.metadata.allAnnotations" $rootCtx | fromYaml)) -}} {{- with (include "tc.v1.common.lib.metadata.render" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "annotations" $annotations) | trim) }} annotations: {{- . | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} addressType: {{ $addressType }} ports: {{- include "tc.v1.common.lib.endpointslice.ports" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "objectData" $objectData) | trim | nindent 2 }} endpoints: {{- include "tc.v1.common.lib.endpointslice.endpoints" (dict "rootCtx" $rootCtx "objectData" $objectData) | trim | nindent 2 }} {{- end -}}